(724) 983-1000 sales@gwbcrane.com


Information on our range of products and services

To view information on the company and the various products and services we offer, please download and view our brochures.

G.W. Becker Inc. profile

G.W. Becker, Inc. Profile

G.W. Becker Inc. overview

G.W. Becker, Inc. Overview

packaged cranes overview

Packaged Cranes Overview

Top-Running Rotating Axle End Truck

Top-Running Rotating Axle End Truck

top-running wire rope hoists

Top-Running Wire Rope Hoist

chain hoist inspection and repair

Chain Hoist Inspection and Repair

Request a Quote

G. W. Becker, Inc. is a distributor of a full line of overhead crane related products and accessories.