(724) 983-1000 sales@gwbcrane.com

Lifting Accessories

You can trust us to find the best lifting solution for your facility.

Leading Crane Lifting Accessories Supplier & Distributor 

G.W. Becker, Inc. is a premier distributor specializing in a wide array of overhead crane lifting accessories designed to enhance your operations and ensure safety.

Our knowledgeable and experienced sales team is wholeheartedly committed to guiding you in selecting the perfect crane-related products tailored to your specific requirements, providing personalized support every step of the way.

Nylon Slings

G.W. Becker, Inc. heavy duty nylon slings are manufactured using only DOMESTIC highest quality 9800lb. per inch nylon that is on the market. Nylon lifting slings are used in many applications and for several uses. A lifting sling can come in several lengths and widths to accommodate just about any lifting application.

Reversed Eye Slings:

Reverse eye sling lift straps have the reversed eye at both ends equal to 1/2 the body width. The eyes of this lifting sling stand at 90 degrees to the sling body to prevent any twisting of the eye or sling body when using a basket or choker hitch. In addition to a basket and choker hitch, the reversed eye sling can also be used with a vertical hitch, making it extremely versatile. Reverse eye slings generally work better in a choker hitch than a straight eye sling due to the twisted eyes.

Stock No. Vertical Choker Basket
RE1-902 4800 3840 9600
RE1-904 8600 6880 17200
RE1-906 11000 8800 22000
Stock No. Vertical Choker Basket
RE2-902 8400 6700 16800
RE2-904 14500 11600 29000
RE2-906 20000 16000 40000

Endless Sling:

Endless slings are the most versatile of all nylon web slings because it can be used with any of the three most common hitches: vertical, basket or choker. Also known as a continuous loop sling, this lifting strap is formed by joining the ends of the webbing together with a load-bearing splice. This simple design makes them extremely economical as well as durable since you can easily change the contact area when you use it, which dramatically decreases the wear and tear on the fabric.

Stock No. Vertical Choker Basket
EN1-901 3200 2500 6400
EN1-902 6400 5000 12800
EN1-903 8600 6900 17200
EN1-904 11500 9200 23000
EN1-906 16300 13000 32600
EN1-908 19200 15400 38400
EN1-910 22400 17900 44800
EN1-912 26900 21500 53800
Stock No. Vertical Choker Basket
EN2-901 6200 4800 12400
EN2-902 12200 9800 24400
EN2-903 16300 13000 32600
EN2-904 20700 16500 41400
EN2-906 28600 23000 57200
EN2-908 30700 24500 61400
EN2-910 33600 26800 67200
EN2-912 37600 30000 75300

Eye & Eye Sling:

Eye & Eye nylon lifting slings are very versatile as they can be used in choker, vertical or basket hitches. Our nylon eye & eye slings come in various widths ranging from 1″ to 12″ wide and can be made with 1-ply, 2-ply, 3-ply or 4-ply thickness. We can also custom make an Eye & Eye sling to your specifications.

Stock No. Vertical Choker Basket
EE1-901 1600 1250 3200
EE1-902 3200 2500 6400
EE1-903 4800 3800 9600
EE1-904 6400 5000 12800
EE1-906 9600 7700 19200
EE1-908 12800 10200 25600
EE1-910 16000 12800 32000
EE1-912 19200 15400 38400
Stock No. Vertical Choker Basket
EE2-901 3200 2500 6400
EE2-902 6400 5000 12800
EE2-903 8600 6900 17200
EE2-904 11500 9200 23000
EE2-906 16300 13000 32600
EE2-908 19200 15400 38400
EE2-910 22400 17900 44800
EE2-912 26900 21500 53800

Lifting Magnets

G.W. Becker, Inc. is a distributor of a full line of Eriez overhead crane lifting magnets.

Eriez SafeHold® Permanent Lift Magnets are an ideal choice for carrying semi-finished products such as machined parts, castings, press molds, steel plates, bars, tubes and more.  Offered in ceramic and Rare Earth models, these robust magnets lift up to 10,000 pounds, require no power and can be turned on and off with ease.

  • Reliable design
  • Continuous magnetic power available until magnet is turned off
  • No external power required
  • No electricity failure concerns
XPL Features
XPLManually operated rare earth permanent lift magnets offer high capacity and versatility for their size and cost. Extremely easy to operate, these magnets are capable of handling flat and round material.

  • Powerful rare earth magnets
  • Lift flat and round material
  • Six models w/ capacities up to 3,500 lbs on flat and 2,700 lbs on round material
  • Specifically designed to handle wide ranges of diameters on round materials
  • Easy to rotate handle with no backlash
  • Manual ON and OFF
  • No power supply required
RPL Features
Lift, move or position round or flat materials with the same magnet. Super compact rare earth SafeHold RPL series manually operated permanent lift magnets offer the flexibility to handle multiple operations.

  • Powerful rare earth magnets
  • Lift flat and round material
  • Five models w/ capacities up to 5,000 lbs on flat and 1,250 lbs on round material
  • Locking mechanism built into handle for one hand operation
  • Manual ON and OFF
  • No power supply required
EPL Features
EPLEPL Series Permanent Lifting Magnets can lift and transfer steel and iron without slings, hooks or cables. Make quick work of difficult, time consuming steel handling.

  • Highest rated capacity permanent lift magnet on the market
  • Handle flat material with ease
  • Four models w/ capacities up to 7,500 lbs on flat material
  • Easy to rotate handle with no backlash
  • Manual ON and OFF
  • No power supply required
APL Features
APLPermanent magnets that turn on and off automatically, without having to manually release the magnet. The SafeHold APL series is ideal for loading and unloading steel sheets from burn tables and anywhere that limits operator access.

  • Crane activated On/Off mechanization
  • No manual-magnet activation required
  • Handle flat materials with ease and hands free activation
  • Four models with capacities up to 3,800lbs on flat material
  • No power supply required


G.W. Becker, Inc. is a distributor of overhead crane below-the-hook lifting devices.

Below-the-hook lifting devices are used in hoisting and rigging to provide a connection between the load being lifted and the crane.  In addition they may attach, hold, protect, control and orient the load in the material flow process. They are independent of the crane, hoist, trolley and carrier hook. Samples of included equipment appear below.

Lifting Beams: Structurally able to handle the load through the beam spread allowing for lower headroom designs.

Spreader Beams: Designed to direct load to top rigging and hooks, requires a greater amount of headroom than a lifting beam.

Coil Handling: Lift, manipulate, and reposition coils with vertical or horizontal eye position. Includes motorized grabs and mechanical tongs for handling coil eye horizontal or eye vertical.

Sheet and Plate Handling: Specialized grabs or beams ideal for handling bundles of sheet or plate steel.

Vacuum Lifting Beam: These Vacuum Lifting Beams are designed to handle large sheets or plates of metal in the primary metal industry as well as various other industries. Designed to your material weight and size requirements. Units can be operated with a pendant, crane mounted controls, or radio controls. Lifting beams are custom designed per application.

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Our dedicated staff, and 40 years of experience, gives us the expertise to assist our customers with any and all overhead material handling needs.