Truck Manufacturing
Assembly of truck frames
CMAA Classification:
Class C Service
Product Manufacturer:
G.W. Becker, Inc. – Shaw-Box Hoists

Project Description:
G.W. Becker, Inc. commissioned seven new moderate service electric overhead traveling cranes for a truck manufacturer in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. This turnkey crane package included two (2) 10 ton top-running single girder crane and five 5 ton top-running single girder cranes. Operated by pendant control, each overhead crane utilized Shaw-Box componentry. Included in the project was the design and installation of three (3) new freestanding runway system of: 112′ long; ~25′ column centers, 20′-0″ overall height; ~33′-0″ overall width; and 73′ long; ~36′-6″ column centers; 19′-1″ overall height; ~50′-0″ overall width. G.W. Becker, Inc. manufactured and provided each crane, each runway system, provided rail and electrification and installation.