Specialty Metal Products
Dip tank process
Duty Classification:
HST-4M; H4

Project Description:
G.W. Becker, Inc. commissioned one (1) new freestanding, patented track parallel monorail system for a manufacturer of specialty metal products in Houston, PA. The parallel monorail system was manufactured with two (2) monorail lines – one over each dipping line. Each monorail has a capacity of one ton with a length of 73′-6″. Monorail beams were placed 8′ out from center of support structure making the beams 16′ on center from each other. Cantilever section over pin loading locations are 7′-6″. The hoists have a lift of 20′. Hoist drums are mechanically connected so that the hooks raise and lower in tandem. New hardware and software components were added to provide operator initiated automated dipping routine from a pedestal mounted PLC controlled with laser for positioning. Communication between the PLC and the hoists is via WIFI. This turnkey project included the freestanding monorail system, new hoists, electrification, automation and installation to meet all current applicable CMAA, OSHA, ANSI/ASME and NEC specifications.