The G.W. Becker, Inc. Service Team is no stranger to answering emergency calls. With our quick response time and knowledgeable staff we can quickly resolve any emergency.
We received a call from a customer stating that they were hearing a loud noise coming from the gearbox when using the hoist. A GWBI Service Technician went to the facility that day to investigate. They confirmed that the issue was indeed from the gearbox, but due to the orientation of the hoist it was not accessible from the field. The next day the technicians returned with a crane so that they could remove the trolley and bring it back to our facility to be repaired.
Once the trolley was further evaluated in our shop we discovered that the bearings inside the gearbox were worn out. Although this hoist was 40 years old and the parts were obsolete, we were able to find the bearing replacement parts that were needed to fix this gearbox. After the gearbox bearing parts were replaced the trolley was then brought back to the customer and reinstalled. All wires were hooked back up and the hoist was tested and confirmed to be ready for production again.
- Issue was identified and removed from service in 2 days
- All obsolete parts were replaced in the gearbox
- Crane was then reinstalled and tested to ensure optimal performance
- Customer was ready to begin full production once again